Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

“I have called You by Name, You are Mine”  

… an invitation to join the journey.

RCIA Becoming Catholic

 At Santa Teresa the entire parish is involved in the effort to bring faith-seeking persons into the midst of our Catholic faith community.  The parish community prays and strives to witness to the constant faith development in those who are on the journey to become Catholic.  In this way the person entering the Catholic Church really experiences “Church” – the people of God, the Santa Teresa Catholic Community.

The RCIA is open to everyone, Christian or non-Christian, who genuinely seeks to explore the possibility of joining the Catholic Christian faith community.  No matter where you are on your journey of faith, there is a place for you in our Santa Teresa Catholic Community.

RCIA is the Church’s way of ministering to those who seek church membership.  Some people will need more time than others to prepare for the lifetime commitment that comes with initiation into the Church.

If you are interested in learning more about how adults are initiated into the Church you can contact Lynda DeManti at 408-839-3163 or email Lynda@santateresachurch.com.