Inspired by the vision of the Gospel and the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, the Social Actions Ministry of Santa Teresa Parish calls each person to embrace the works of Justice and Charity; to serve those in need and to change the structures that deny people their dignity and rights as children of God.

Santa Teresa Parish Opens the Doors of Mercy

Santa Teresa Pantry Ministry

Santa Teresa Pantry feeds our brothers and sisters who live among us and are in need of groceries. We provide food, free of charge, to families and individuals in need every 30 days. We also provide holiday food boxes for Thanksgiving and Easter. During Christmas we provide a food box as well as providing Christmas gifts for children birth to 16. Each child under 10 receives two gifts a piece of clothing and a toy. Youth 11 to 16 years of age receive one gift. For more information contact:

Interfaith Ministry

The interfaith ministry will focus on working on possible collaborations with other religious traditions including dialogue, volunteering together, sharing meals, presentations and other activities decided by the Committee. For more information contact:

Homeless Ministry

The Homeless Ministry is made up of multiple sub-committees which focus on providing food, clothing, and shelter for both the marginally homeless and homeless individuals. The subcommittees may also provide volunteer support to local services such as Casa de Clara, InnVision and Martha’s Kitchen. For more information contact:

Migrants and Refugees Ministry

The Migrant and Refugee Ministry helps provide food, clothing, essentials and advocate services for migrant farmworker families in collaboration with the Center for Farmworkers in Watsonville.

The Migrant and Refugee Ministry wishes to raise the awareness of the 42 million displaced people worldwide, including 3 million refugees right here in North America. As well as explore opportunities of how we as a parish community can reach out to these “strangers in our midst”. For more information contact:

Human Trafficking Ministry

This ministry addresses the social issue of human trafficking and its impact both in the Bay Area and worldwide.  The Human Trafficking Ministry at Santa Teresa Church seeks to increase awareness, education and unite efforts with local agencies seeking to free victims, help restore their dignity, and stop this crime against humanity and the foundational values of society.  Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery when an individual makes a profit by treating human beings as possessions for involuntary labor or commercial exploitation through use of force, fraud or coercion. For more information contact:

Care of our Common Home Ministry

The Catholic Church brings a distinct perspective to the discussion of environmental questions, by lifting up the moral dimensions of these issues and the needs of the most vulnerable among us. This unique contribution is rooted in Catholic teaching calling us to care for creation and for “the least of these.” (Mt 25:40). The mission of the Care of Our Common Home Ministry is to educate and motivate us to adopt a deeper reverence and  respect for God’s creation, and to encourage us to address environmental problems, especially as they affect poor and vulnerable people.  For more information contact:

Respect Life

Layette Ministry

A group of Santa Teresa parishioners meet every Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (except during the month of August and the last three weeks in December) to knit, crochet or quilt baby items that are distributed through Santa Teresa Pantry and the Layette Program of the Diocese of San Jose. New members welcome. More information contact:

Mental Health Ministry

We at Santa Teresa Church will offer practical knowledge and experience to anyone concerned about mental illness and mental  health. NAMI (National Alliance On Mental Illness) will be one of our supporting groups for education, support, advocacy and hope. Some Activities —-NAMI Walk September, Annual Candlelight Prayer Vigil in October, NAMI Literature after Masses, Guest Speakers, Film night CANVAS. For more information contact:  Here are other helpful links:,

Parish Community Outreach

Funeral Hospitality Ministry

At the request of the family, the Santa Teresa Funeral Hospitality Ministry will plan, organize and host a reception for the family and friends of the deceased. Parishioners are called upon to provide a salad or dessert to serve 10-12 people. We can also use help setting up, serving and cleaning up as well. Your commitment  is dependent on your personal schedule and there is never a meeting to attend.   For more information contact:

Guardian Angel Ministry

A short term outreach program to assist the parishioners of Santa Teresa Church. The two areas of focus are:

  • Meal Assistance Program: A Meals Assistance   program for parishioners who are experiencing a traumatic event in their lives and need daily meal services.
  • Home assistance program to help parishioners who experience   a traumatic event which requires them to need assistance with house hold handyman repairs or clean up.

    For more information contact:

    Click here for a printable form with the Social Action Ministries of Santa Teresa Church