The Italian Catholic Federation, Branch 368 Santa Teresa

The Italian Catholic Federation is a non-profit, fraternal organization for Catholics of all cultures. Founded in 1924, the federation’s mission is to uphold and develop the religious spirit among its members and to spread that spirit throughout the community. As Christians, we continue the tradition of love, hospitality and works of charity as signs of Christ’s peace among us.

Members of the ICF enjoy the fellowship of other Catholics and their families. By praying and playing together, we enrich ourselves, and strengthen our spiritual lives while sharing our blessings with one another. We are proud of our assistance to Santa Teresa parish, our pastor, Fr. George Aranha and the local community. We help with parish projects and fundraisers. The ICF is an example of the laity’s participation in the apostolic mission of the Catholic Church. To support the clergy, the ICF offers prayers and monetary donations for the continuation of vocations and contributes to the education of young men training for the priesthood.

Each year our branch awards a scholarship to a local high school student. Grants to assist the developmentally disabled (Gifts of Love) and the Mario Cugia Scholarship, which promotes Italian studies, are available through the ICF’s Central Council. We are a major supporter of the Cooley’s Anemia research and treatment program at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland. We also sponsor an Organ Donor Awareness program. We welcome and extend our hearts to you. If you are interested in the ICF please contact president, Mike Nunziata at 408-227-0636 or

Remember, you do not need to be Italian to join the ICF! we meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm at Santa Teresa Church.