Pastoral Care Ministries

FUNDERAL RECEPTIONS: we as a parish community provide a reception following the funeral service of a parishioner. There are those who organize and coordinate the reception and those who are called upon to make a salad or dessert for the reception and deliver the item to the parish on the day of the funeral. If you would like to become part of this ministry by being on call to bring food or to be Hospitality volunteer to help with set-up, clean-up and serving, please contact Lynda DeManti at 408-629-7777 ext. 105 or email

MOMENTS WITH GOD: was formed to provide support to those whose lives have been touched by cancer or other chronic illnesses. We strive to nurture through prayer, faith and fellowship within a compassionate, God-centered environment that honors and respects all who are living with illnesses. The group meets on the first Saturday of the month after the 8:30 am Mass and the Anointing of the Sick, in the Santa Teresa Conference Room. Our meetings offer a safe and confidential place to share experiences with others, to listen, or to simply relax and enjoy the fellowship of the group. For more information contact please contact Lynda DeManti at 408-629-7777 ext. 105 or email

PASTORAL CARE TO THE HOMEBOUND: at the table of Sunday Eucharist we miss our parishioners who are sick and homebound. To show our love for them and to connect them to our Sunday gathering as faith community, Eucharistic Ministers take communion to those who request it. Contact person: Rose Noack at 408-629-7777 ext. 109