2025 ADA Prayer
In you we are one.
Loving God, we thank you for calling us together.
Help us to remember that united, we are called to love and serve one another through the generous sharing of our time, talent, and treasure.
Please bless our efforts and help us to grow as a wise and loving community of faith.
Give us the grace to generously support the Annual Diocesan Appeal so that we may faithfully do the work of your Church.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.
Santa Teresa Church Goal $134,339
The Annual Diocesan Appeal contributes to the funding of ministries and programs benefiting every parish within the Diocese of San Jose and our local community. It provides parishes with the chance to generate funds through rebates, surpassing their individual goals. Your generosity towards the ADA not only supports these vital initiatives but also brings glory to Christ through your giving.
Once our parish reaches our goal, 100% of the overage is returned to our parish for our own needs.