All are welcome
Are you looking for a Catholic Church in San Jose that is vibrant, compassionate, joyful, loving, human and holy? Come to Santa Teresa Parish and make it your home. We are on the journey with Jesus and with each other to Eternal Life. Check out our mass times bellow:
Sunday mass times
- Saturday 5:30pm, Vigil
- Sunday 8:30 am
- Sunday 10:00am
- Sunday 11:30am
Weekday mass times
- Tuesday 8:30 am
- Wednesday 8:30 am
- Thursday 8:30 am
- Friday 8:30 am
Online mass times
Mass is streamed online every Saturday at 5:30 pm. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and click the bell to get reminders in an email when we go live.
Call 408-629-7777 ext. 104 or email for Baptism, Confession, Anointing of the sick and Marriage.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursdays after the 8:30 am Mass until 10:00 am.
Fridays after the 8:30 am Mass.
There are multiple ways you can donate, thank you for your generosity.
Subscribe to our bulletin
Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation
August 2024 to June 2025
- Faith Formation: Open to every child and their parents from Grade 1 through High School Senior.
- Sacramental Prep: For any child and their parents who have completed one year of Faith Formation, preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.
2025 Lent mass times

Fridays during Lent
Stations of the Cross
Fasting and abstinence during Lent
Fasting means that we eat only one full meatless meal and two smaller meals with no snacking between meals. This obligation is applied on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This law applies to Catholics aged 18-59.
Abstinence means that we eat no meat (including poultry) or meat by-products.
We observe abstinence from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays in Lent. This applies to all Catholics over the age of 14. If you are ill or have particular medical conditions, or are pregnant, you are not obligated to observe these regulations.