Santa Teresa parishioners help to serve in a variety of Liturgical Ministries. Listed below is a description of the different liturgical ministries. Once trained for ministry, these ministers are scheduled to assist at Mass. If you are interested in volunteering as a liturgical minister, please contact Lynda DeManti at or 408-629-7777 ext. 105

Altar Ministry: takes care of the altar linens in the chapel and the church (For Instructions click here ==>Altar Ministry Instructions)

Altar Servers: children, youth and adults, who assist the priest during the celebration of Eucharist and other sacraments.

Choir Members: The Choir Ministry is a service performed by adult members. Its mission is to help inspire the community to actively participate in the Liturgy.

The choir sings at the 11:30 Mass on the first and third Sunday of the month. Also on important feasts such as Christmas, Holy Week and Easter Sunday the choir sings. On occasion the choir is requested by the pastor to sign for important occasions of the parish. The choir holds regular rehearsals every Thursday in the church, 7:30 –9:00 p.m. If you have the gift, the availability, and above all the willingness to serve the community through singing consider joining the choir.

Church Environment: a group of parishioners who share their creative talents to enhance the environment of our worship space for the different liturgical celebrations that take place during the seasons of our church year.

Eucharistic Ministers: (EM’s) also referred to as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EMOE’s) have the special privilege of assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion during our Eucharistic celebrations.

Hospitality Ministers: welcome and seat people as they arrive for Sunday Eucharist. They also take up the collection(s) during Mass and distribute the parishioner bulletin following Mass. Keep in mind that the Hospitality Minister could be the first impression of our community at Santa Teresa Parish.

Lectors /Commentators: As Lectors you have the privilege of proclaiming the Word of God. As Commentator you welcome the assembly and introduce the first and second reading before the Lector begins to proclaim the reading. There are two Lectors and one Commentator at each weekend Mass.

Liturgy Committee: works to help the people of Santa Teresa parish build up their worship and sacramental life so that all are nourished in faith and invited to full and active participation in sacrament and prayer. Planning takes place for the different liturgical seasons of the year Advent/Christmas, Ordinary Time and Lent/Easter

Liturgy Committee Members

  • Fr. George Aranha
  • Laura Armour, Chair
  • Rae Almeida
  • Lynda DeManti
  • Lourdes Dohi
  • Marlene Fernandez
  • Brian Hayr
  • Elliott Lothrop
  • Sandy Mory
  • Norbert Runge
  • Doreen Williams
  • Bill Turney
liturgical ministry map
Current Map for the ministers


*In order to signup below for our new online system, you must have been through a Liturgical Ministry training at Santa Teresa Parish.  If you haven’t, please contact to schedule.

Liturgical Ministry Schedule<– click here to go to Signup Genius

Our ministry schedule is online. If you have any questions on how to schedule, please contact or 408-629-7777 Ext. 110.  She will either sign you up, or arrange time to show you how to do it yourself with a training at the office.

A couple tips:

  • Our Online system is automatically sorted by date.  Find the date you are looking for, then the Mass time and then the position.
  • You can sign-up for multiple dates at the same time (i.e. you don’t have to go in and out for each date you sign up.
  • You can swap places with someone online or cancel your time/date if something comes up and ask he person that will cover to then signup for that position after you cancel.
  • Again, if you have any issues, contact or 408-629-7777 Ext. 110 and someone will arrange time to show you how to do it yourself with a training at the office.


The viewing is automatically a calendar, but you may choose to look at the list view at any time by clicking on the yellow “List View” button at the top right of the calendar.

If you are signing up for yourself and your husband/wife/child, you will need to sign up for one person at a time.  i.e. sign up for all the dates you want to serve and submit, then sign up for your wife/husband/child and at the end of the process click the box that says, “Display an alternative name”.  Then you can have only one email for multiple people signing up.

Below are instructions for the Calendar View signup.  Here’s what it looks like

sign up genius 1

You will then click on the date you want to start signing up for.  Please sign up for multiple dates through the end of the months posted.  This way you only have to sign up once every three months or so.  You will get email reminders three days before each volunteer day.

You can sign up for multiple days by following the instructions below.

sign up genius 2

Select the position you want to volunteer for.  Then press “Select Other Days”.

The calendar will pop up again and you will select the next date and click

“Select Other Days” until you are finished selecting days.

Once you are finished selecting dates, click the Brown “Submit and Sign Up” button

sign up genius 3

This is the area where you will select an alternative name for a husband/wife/child.  (remember to select dates for you first and submit.  Then go back and selects dates for your husband/wife/child and submit those, one person at a time.

The box that says “Send me a confirmation email with iCalendar (.ics) file” is only if you want a confirmation email that shows you all the dates you signed up for.  Even if you don’t click this box, you will still get reminders 3 days prior to your date of serving.  It will also have a link that can place this on your computer’s calendar – if you have an online calendar.

Please call 408-629-7777 ex 110 Tuesdays 1-5pm and Thursday 9:0am-1pm to help with your process!!